98. Freebie – Complete 365 Daily Self Portraits in 2008

Today I took my final
365 Days picture and of course that darn
Betty Lou showed up!
I can't believe this project is actually over and that tomorrow I begin my 34th year. I'm so glad I did this even though
some days I really, really didn't want to take a picture of me. I got pretty sick of me as a subject about halfway through
the project but in the end, I had so much fun doing this.

In my 33rd year, I moved in with my love, gained a cat, started taking the bus to work, went to Hawaii, went on a great road trip with my love, saw a dear friend marry her love and on this final day, ran two Half Marathons and got my wish for a major snowstorm in Seattle.

Here are some stats from the past year:
Days Missed: 0 -- I know, A++ here!
Made Explore: 5
Most Viewed Photo:
Day 168 with 15,940 all time views
With other people: 35
With animals: 12
As Betty Lou: 6
With Scott: 17
Cities taken in: 20
Taken after Half Marathon Runs with my Medals: 2
Showing my Knitting and/or yarn: 36
With Food: 26
And yes, I loved this so much, I'm considering doing a Year 2! First though I need to go and play in the snow!

98. Freebie – Complete 365 Daily Self Portraits in 2008